Samsung 450MP Camera Sensor Could Take Mobile Photography To Ludicrous Levels

Smartphone cameras grow stronger and are able to almost every year until -until some DSLR camera makers mostly call it stop, influenced by cellular cameras and without mirrors. Large producers do not seem to be able to stop bragging about innovations related to new cameras, whether they involve the imaging sensor itself or special Silicon ISP. From these companies, Samsung is probably the worst in flooding the market with sensors that include various specifications and prices – it also has some of the most excessive sensors known in the market, and it seems that no one has stopped this trend. In fact, Samsung may be on the road to launch the most ambitious imaging sensor, with 450MP models in the pipe.

Not long ago the 64MP camera was considered a breakthrough and luxury innovation. Even today’s digital camera is attached to the 48MP sensor, proves that the number of megapixels is not the only criteria for quality images and videos. Thanks to Samsung’s impelty push, however, the smartphone industry has left quite a lot of digital cameras in dust when it comes to the single hardware component.

Today, we have a 200MP camera as the latest and greatest, with Samsung and Sony pounding the head on the crown. At present, Sony has an advantage in terms of numbers, with a 1-inch IMX989 200MP camera sensor, while the existing HP1 and HP3 Samsung HP3 model has a smaller size with the same number of pixels. In addition, the last company is expected to launch a new 200MP sensor before the year ends to go head-to-head with Sony again.

Samsung Hexa²Pixel Trademarks Tempting the future of high resolution

In the future that is not too far away, Samsung can even launch a 450MP sensor, which is not surprising to judge from the speed of innovation and tenacity of the company. The possibility was revealed by GalaxyClub, which quoted Samsung registration from the trademark for Hexa²Pixel. Of course, the trademark does not say what it is for, there are some theories and calculations made by fans entering.

Samsung has used its tetrra²pixel trademark to refer to the 4×4 pixel binning technology used in the 200MP HP1 ISOCELL to produce 12.5MP Figure. Hexa²pixel will then mean that it is able to combine 6×6 – or 32 pixels – into one unit, which can mean that the sensor will require 400 million pixels to produce the same 12.5MP image. This can go further to 450MP if the 3×3 pixel can be used to produce a 50MP image, as well as the 2×2 isocell HP1 configuration (via sammobile).

Of course, this is just a theoretical maximum number, not to mention speculation only based on trademarks. This doesn’t make sense, given Samsung’s tendency, but it will not come at no cost, literally and figuratively. Such sensors are naturally more expensive, and will also take up more space inside. Hopefully, at that time, the price and size of the component will decrease significantly, making a 450MP sensor equivalent to the current 200MP camera.

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